Connecting Conscious Consumers to Conscious Businesses

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How Does it All Work?

Have you ever been out-and-about in an area you don’t know and searched “organic cafe”? You’ll have noticed that you get every cafe near and far, but your “search tool” seems to overlook that you used the word “organic”??

The Purpose Over Profit Website is designed to be a Community Directory where Conscious Businesses and Conscious Consumers can connect. There is also a section for “Home Growers” to list their products so that local Consumers can access their wares. To access the directory you will need to create a profile – whether you’re a business or a consumer.

This way, businesses can invest less on advertising in a system they prefer not to support, and consumers can be assured that businesses listed have been through a verification process to ensure they are interacting with a business that is conscious about the products and services they provide.

A Conscious Business is considered to be a business that realises the deeper effect their actions and products/services have on the patrons they interact with, and act with integrity.

A Conscious Consumer is considered to be someone who realises the deeper effect their purchases have on themselves, others around them, and the earth herself.

If you’re someone who understands that it is really consumers who state their preference by voting with their consumer dollar, and you want to vote for consideration of what’s good for you, good for others, and good for the planet, then please join the community and make your vote count!

For more details or questions please see the F.A.Q. Section, including details about our Terms and Conditions, and our Privacy Policy. Or Alternatively feel free to use the Contact Us page to send us an email, naturally we value conscious interactions and will personally respond within 48 hours.

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HERE for Consumers
HERE for Businesses and Home Growers.

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