What's the Purpose?

Let's start with the difference?

I recall quite a few years ago when my wife and I first started looking for an organic produce supplier, we found one who’s mission was “to get good, truly organic produce, into the homes of the people of Adelaide at a decent price” (read about them HERE)

It wasn’t until some time later that I realised that her business’ mission differed quite considerably to the large Supermarket chains who also sold fruit & veg.

One business was driven by their purpose, and also made money – and eventually a profit… The other business was driven by the amount of profit they could return to their shareholders, and would probably sell or do ANYTHING if it made them a dollar.

The PURPOSE of this website is to connect conscious consumers to conscious businesses, and build a community of conscious people. Whether you’re a business or a consumer, if you consider what happens to the stuff you pour down the sink and the effect it has when it ends up in the ocean, then I suggest you’re conscious enough to want to support a way of living that enhances peoples lives (not just shareholders pockets) and is collectively conscious of our effect IN the ecosystem in which we live. Welcome aboard!!

Numbers Speak For Themselves!

Connections Made
800 +
Happy Conscious Customers
Conscious Business LIstings
98 +

Website is currently in build state, therefore these numbers are fictitious, but will be “real” very soon… 

Frequently Asked Questions (or ask a question)...

The Purpose of the website is to build a community where like minded conscious people can connect exclusively – aside from being served ads on social media, elsewhere on the web, or any other place.

The Site is designed to give consumers a place to find businesses, and the businesses a community in which to live their purpose.

Registering allows you to create a profile and then a place to interact, and keep details not visible to website visitors that are not logged in. Business owners are required to have a profile too, so they can also interact, as can consumers.

Being a member of the community is free for everyone. Consumers, Businesses and Home Growers are all required to have a free profile.

For a business or home grower to then be listed in the Community Directory, they are required to “create a listing” and there are 3 listing tiers to choose from. Home Growers are encouraged to use only the free plan:

  1. a free plan (requires renewal every 90 days)
  2. a membership ($19/month)
  3. a partnership ($29/month)

Absolutely you are!!

I agree, it’s nice to make a difference in the world, but a purpose driven business can make such a greater difference with some finances to back them.

The key is that you make a profit by fulfilling your purpose, and being conscious of your footprint in doing so – not because you’ve exploited the earth and consumers to provide a return to shareholders…. if that makes sense 🤔🤔🤔

The aim of the website and directory is to give both businesses and consumers the choice to be the change they want to see in the world by doing things differently.

All users of the website (businesses and consumers) will have their user profile (name & email) stored securely on our website.

We will send an email with an update once a month (or if something really special is happening) to all users email addresses and businesses will have the opportunity to contribute to the content of the emails with their product or service offering. Your email address or any other personal information won’t be passed on to any of the businesses that are listed in the directory unless you make contact directly with them and provide it yourself.

The benefit for the listed businesses is knowing that the site users are regularly on the directory using it to find them. So while we keep user information confidential, the power is in the community involvement. 

Listing Tiers:
1. Listed Business or Home Grower:
– free listing, requires renewal every 90 days
– includes listing of business details

2. Business Member:
– $19 for 30 days
– includes listing of business details
– 2 images of your business
– invited to contribute to Purpose Over Profit blog

3. Business Partner:
– $29 for 30 days
– includes “Featured” listing of business details
– up to 6 images of your business
– invited to contribute to Purpose Over Profit blog
– invited to feature specials on the Purpose Over Profit website

NB: Featured listings appear alphabetically at the the top of search results, above standard listings.

To see the information contained in other’s profiles or on listed businesses, a member must be logged in to the community. Anyone from the public not logged in cannot see any of the listings or member profiles.

Users can control what other members see on their profile and the minimum requirement is a name. Your email address remains confidential in our database in alignment not only with privacy laws, but also our respect of your privacy.

Business listings are fully visible to all logged in members of the community, but only the information added by the business is visible. Links to the business’ website are able to be followed.

Whilst we LOVE Organic, we’ve set up our listing categories so that Cafe’s can be listed in the category of “Cafe” and for those that are 100% Organic, they can also be listed in the additional category “Organic”.

The important thing is that the business is conscious of how it sources it’s produce and the purpose behind why it chooses to sell what it sells.

In all reality, if you’re here and asking that question, we know you’re in the right place and we can’t wait to review your submission – we may even have to pop in for a coffee!!!

As a society we seem to have forgotten (or been hypnotised) that it is consumers who truly wield the power. I want to make conscious business choices readily available to those consumers who choose to support the planet.

Good for me - Good for you - Good for the Planet.
Profile Pic
Chris Eves - Founder

Certified Produce

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